A Voxel editor/software coded in C++ using OpenGL, that I made for my love of voxel/pixel art and is one of the biggests solo projects I've created.
My goal of this project was to renew my knowledge on OpenGL and to make a fun, fast and easy to use voxel modeling editor that can export files to work in Unity3D.
Originally I wanted to export to the FBX file format, but the lack of documentation made it hard to work with it.
So I decided to use COLLADA .dae file instead, with a lot more documentation and its XML formatting, it was a lot easier to work with and did exactly what I wanted originally.
Another feature I wanted to add was Shadows. Looking around and researching shadow algorithms I decided that the best approach for Voxit would be to use Cascading Shadow Mapping with a total of 4 cascades.
Some of the features found in Voxit:
Some of the libraries I used to create voxit.
ImGUI: Used for the user interface.
stb_image: Load the button icons.
TinyXML-2: Writting voxel data to XML format.
Though the project is done, I am still looking to improve Voxit with new features and optimizations in the future.
The source code for Voxit can be found on my Github here.